You must have led a life
I know, had a wife or wives
Children and kinsmen
I wonder how you beamed around them, or didn’t
How you played, or didn’t
And my question is this;
Were you caught playing with them?
Or away from them
Perhaps, you were caught cheating your wife
Petting some young lass you just met
Was she caught with you too?
These your eyes that shines still brightly
What brought joy to them— in your time?

This is your time still
I deliberated
Its your time until you can’t be seen around
Its your time till the day you were taken from your friends
And your time still— drowned in this pepper
And your time till you vanish through the abyss of my gut

Even now marinated in chili and seasoning
I can’t help but marvel at the grandeur of your beauty
Were you a he or she?
What was your calling?
Were you a bard, a troubadour, a minstrel or a minister?

I must have dropped my greasy spoon
For my fingers searched through the skull
This must be the brain and some two guarding stones
Which I liked, licked and kept on the rim of the stainless plate

It is hot but I did not know
Until my palate yearns
Did I realize, I have not touched my beer
I sneaked a sip, and then check my plate
It was empty but for the two stones which I liked.


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