
Showing posts from May, 2016

A Moment of Silence

Can we please have a moment of silence Can we please have a moment of peace Can we have a moment of sanity Free of this madness  Can we breath in some safe air Free of these fumes Can we have a moment of calmness A moment of peace Not for the ones we lost But for ourselves Can we have a moment of silence  For our loss  For we have lost silence We have lost peace  To the uproar, noise and clamor Of our tired generators.


I could be here in front of you sir, but I am not here At my cubicle in the office but I am not here At home but I am not here On facebook but I am not there At the chess club but I am not there This is me I live here Unfurled here Spawned by the ejaculations of my pen Flaunted in black and white These words are my genes And the verses are my very DNA The lines, my cells This is me I live here I breathe here Somewhere between theses lines.