E fi mi le

E fi mi le When I hold my head high Just to keep the tears at bay When I no longer could hold the head or the tears And my tears flow into streams Full of floating Origami boats In thousands of numbers and colours E fi mi le! When I laugh and laughter turns hysteria When I cannot explain the reason behind my smiles And my shout of joy runs amuck Massacring the peace of my foes E fi mi le E fi mi le When I'm quiet, still as the old mountains When the cold echoes of my silence Stealthily hurts the drums in your ears E fi mi le joor, when I can't stop talking And my words like a monotonous set of pins Stabs at your moral sensibilities E fi mi le when I dance like a stoned rock star To the lulling tunes of Enya E fi mi le When my body in inertia takes up your space And my dragging feet brakes your intended pace Fi mi le Fi mi le When in anger I hunt my enemies to a corner Artfully compelling them for the slaughter Like it’s beyond the board of c...