A Walk: A Documentary

A Walk No thanks to Demola all my resolve to avoid drinking last night was defenestrated immediately he showed up at my doorstep. I had already turned in and was about to turnoff the lights when he barged in on me as he's wont to do on Friday nights. Anyway I was happy to see the dude and we went beer hunting we ended up in a dimly lit lounge and a few bottles of Guinneses later we decided to call it a day at about 1 a. m. Well, that wasn't bad considering our antecedents; perhaps age is eventually catching up with us. Sleeping was made easy, the alcohol did it's job. I woke up with a low key headache blasting subtlely at the back of my head. My joints were like super-glued, I knew I couldn't move them even if I try. I checked the time and was shocked to see it was already six in the morning, there was a light traffic on Eko Bridge, there were also a couple of joggers heading towards National Stadium. I knew I needed to workout but I was tired, very tired. I l...