Why We Lose

I LOST two consecutive chess games to an average player yesterday evening. I resigned the first game after my 38th move, because I have made a lot of mistakes and was materially behind. I decided to resign, on the grounds that I could not catch up based on my analysis of the immediate situation. The second game started soon and I eventfully lost despite my determination and the skillful efforts I deployed to win. When I got home to sleep I did a quick analysis of the games and realized that I lost the second one simply because I wasn't enjoying the game as a game; I was thinking too deeply and too much, every of my move was carefully considered for all possible outcomes. And I lost on time because my opponent was only enjoying himself and he didn't have to think too much. I later analyzed the first game and grasped too late that I could have won if I had not resigned as my opponent's positioning was awry and precarious but I didn't see that, all I saw was my ma...